Thursday, 23 June 2011

Afiq, Danish and Cupcakes

Lately, Afiq and Danish (AnD) tengah bersemangat nak buat gambar cupcakes pertama yang aku buat dibantu oleh AnD. gambar cup cakes yang kitorang berangan nak buat akceli...the real gambar...ermm..akan di upload soon...i mean very soon.hehe...

Seronok sebenarnya dapat buat aktiviti ni ngan anak2. Memang those boys bersungguh-sungguh nak tolong...Esok...cuti...aku dah janji nak buat cupcakes lagi...i have to surf the net to find the best recipies especially how to make a beautiful icing like the picture above...specially for my two beloved son and of course their lovely father...

1 comment:

  1. Nak cupcake spesel punyer....
    yg ade lambang hati..kekeke
