Sunday, 6 November 2016

Working From Home - For Mommies

A one time, aku pernah survey gila2 pasal working from home ni. Masa tu perasaan nak berenti keje and be a full-time housewife rasa membuak-buak. From my experience banyak sangat artikel dan laman web yang bagi harapan palsu untuk peluang kerja dari rumah ni.

Sometimes, they gave you a lot of hopes and at the end of the day, they ask you to buy an online kit to get started. Dunia internet sekarang ni banyak sangat tipu dayanya...just like our real world. We have to be more careful. 

Kat bawah ni ada link untuk tips work from home yag aku rasa agak berguna. You guys can check it out. Credit to the writer but unfortunately this tips is mostly for mommies yang duduk di US.

Aku pun tengah duk survey what are the working from home jobs that can generate side incomes in Malaysia. Maklumlah ekonomi tengah merudum sekarang ni...and harga barang pun naik mencanak.